Types of Checkups Offered by Premier Home Inspection in Rogers
Home inspectors do checkups to make sure that every aspect of the environment is safe for human habitability. The checkups are usually meant to establish the levels of a particular element and control it adequately to resume normal levels. A superior Inspection LLC informs the public of the different types of checkups performed by Northwest Arkansas home inspectors. Learn more here.
Radon Testing
Radon is an inert gas that occurs naturally from rocks, soils, and even water sources and enters the house through the cracks. This gas is harmful for human consumption and is responsible for causing lung cancer. It accumulates in enclosed rooms that have or little no ventilation. Radon gases are among the significant contributors to environmental radioactivity. Learn more about the Traits of a Good Home Inspector.

Water Quality Testing
Water quality testing is a process by which the health information of a particular waterway is measured to determine its safety for human consumption. It includes measuring parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, and minerals such as phosphates in the water. Whenever the levels are found to deviate from the normal range, they are subject to correction by the experts using standardly acceptable methods, which should pose no further hazards.